Words & Stories
On a walk recently I stopped to sit for a while. Closing my eyes, following my breath and listening I heard the sound around me as words, as things being said about where I was and what was happening, about the trees and wind and water and birds and footsteps on gravel paths. I heard sounds as words and words, as vibrations, and vibrations as feelings, and feelings as emotions and emotions as echoes of a story’s deep meaning wanting to be told. I was sitting amid a story telling me about the place itself. And about me in it.
From a young age, that seems like forever ago, and right now, I’ve thought of myself and my life as a story being told, as an unfolding mythology, and my body, mind, soul, and spirit as its path. I was a path, my life a story, and I wondered, looking outside my experience, who is the storyteller?
No longer a young boy with wonder and imagination but an older man who somehow managed to remain that child, I see things now as I did then, with one exception: who is the storyteller? I no longer wonder who’s telling this story, I know it’s me and has been all along. I see clearly that throughout my life, I’ve conjured meaning from movement, from action, from energy, from others and what appeared to be happening to me, and the ever-present underlying energy, structure, and direction the story was taking.
While looking at the Mythology of Me, it gradually became clear - in a way revelations do - that what I felt as stories within me, though they may have appeared arbitrary, were actually evidence of my own intentions. These intentions rose from the stories themselves; self-organizing energies with the sound of truth. They were life-defining forces."
I wondered: How might I journey far enough into the story to become a conscious collaborator in what was being told? I wanted to add a chapter in which I was a child on a path to becoming a man of wisdom, empathy, and devotion to Spirit and Truth, a story of being held in a container of trust and kindness in myself and my connection to what I’ve come to know as The Field of Energy From Which All Things Come and All Things Return. And so the story goes, one of Divine Meaning in everything I’ve ever known and will know as mine to tell. That’s the path. I’m the story.
Telling our own story is all and the only thing we can do and do every day. Everything we listen to and say, every action and desire are stories we hear as felt emotion in our bodies, as ourselves breathing. We bring what we feel as stories into the world, creating the world as we go.
We are all storytellers. We can and need to tell liberating, loving, adventurous stories about being human, being here, and all the beings we see and do not see. Our stories are Sacraments, our offerings of deep connection to Self, Mother Earth, Father Sky all our siblings, and all universes everywhere. We become the stories we tell, and the spells we cast, and are the essence of creation.
If you're looking to explore this path further, I invite you to reach out and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. With confidence in the wisdom offered by Entheogens, I look forward to connecting with those who are ready to embark on this transformative path.