Retreats & Community
As Temples of Spirit we are the most sacred of spaces. We bring our sacredness into everything we do, everywhere we go and to everyone we meet. Often without realizing it, we bring comfort and reminders to others that they’re seen and of great value. Entheogenic Retreats allow us to find this in ourselves and step into what we are - boundless love of immeasurable value.
For me, retreats are havens of safety and support. Within these spaces, among friends and trusted guides, I've felt most at ease and open to receiving grace, healing, and love. As thresholds to inner worlds and self-discoveries, Entheogenic Retreats are a pilgrimage of transcendence and healing.
It is with Community that we best serve ourselves, where we are supported and support others, where meaningful human relationships are built, and that offers support to us as we work with Entheogens and our own hearts. In Community Retreat, we are initiated into the right relationship with Entheogens as Sacraments and The Field of Energy From Which All Things Come and All Things Return.
As a facilitator, I approach the responsibility of holding space for others in Entheogenic Ceremony with great humility and respect. It is not a task that I take lightly. If you are interested in exploring this transformative experience, please feel free to reach out to me so we can discuss how best to prepare for crossing this threshold.