Our Path Forward
Ethics for people practicing entheogenic ceremonies involve a set of principles and values that guide their behavior and decision-making during these experiences. These principles include respect for the plant medicine, reverence for the natural environment, honoring cultural traditions, ensuring safety and well-being of all participants, and maintaining confidentiality. Practitioners consider issues related to informed consent, appropriate dosing, integration support, and avoiding exploitation or abuse of power dynamics. Ultimately, ethical conduct in entheogenic ceremonies prioritizes the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of all involved while fostering a sense of connection with oneself, others, and the greater world.
Agreements for people practicing entheogenic ceremonies refer to the explicit and mutually agreed-upon rules, expectations, and boundaries that participants establish before the ceremony. These agreements are designed to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved and include guidelines around confidentiality, respect for others' experiences, appropriate behavior, and communication protocols. Participants also agree on specific intentions or goals for the ceremony, such as healing, personal growth, or spiritual exploration. Establishing clear agreements help ensure that all participants feel comfortable and supported during the ceremony while minimizing the risk of potential conflicts or misunderstandings.